Monthly Archives: September 2012

Coffee Drinking around the World

Posted by:strictlycoffee

No matter how you brew it, coffee remains a popular beverage throughout the world. Below are some examples of coffee drinking trends around the globe. Tell us, how do you drink your coffee? Japan Though Japan is better known for tea ceremonies, you can also find Kyoto-style cold drip coffee. “This method produces a deep…

Who drinks the most coffee?

Posted by:strictlycoffee

We found this  interesting article about who drinks the most coffee. We were wondering what the South African list would look like? We would love to hear your comments. American Article – Scientists drink more coffee than school teachers, and food-service workers down the most joe of all. That’s one take-away from a new survey…

Coffee may ease neck and shoulder pain linked to computer use

Posted by:strictlycoffee

More South Africans are spending extended hours at their computers and laptops. How many times have you found yourself rubbing your shoulders and neck in an attempt to ease the pain , and perhaps even landed up at the doctors for medication. Well according to new research in Norway, coffee could be the answer ……

Yummy Coffee Cake

Posted by:strictlycoffee

A very happy Spring to all our readers. With Summer now on the horizon, its time to dust off your baking utensils and create some home baked goodies. We have trolled through hundreds of websites and come up with some great recipes which we will be featuring over the next couple of weeks.  The first…

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